ECCHR’s Living Open Archive is a multimedia platform that offers diverse avenues to explore our wealth of experience in transnational legal interventions.
Since its inception in 2007, ECCHR has generated a tremendous amount of expertise and knowledge in the field of strategic human rights litigation. Whether stemming from legal casework or from critical reflections upon it, the material we have amassed spans a wide array of geographical regions and topics within transnational human rights work.
ECCHR is committed to upholding human rights globally, using legal means to counter impunity for crimes such as torture, war crimes, gender-based violence, corporate exploitation and illegal pushbacks at European borders. While our legal casework addresses specific human rights violations in various contexts, it often also reveals connections between the different forms of injustice that we are attempting to combat: for example, issues of border justice are frequently tied to authoritarian repression, while the violence of extractive industries is often bound up with colonial history.
The Living Open Archive aims to identify such connections and make them visible using a variety of media formats and narrative techniques. By illuminating the broader political and historical context of ECCHR's work, it provides a resource for developing new legal approaches and informed strategic interventions in the changing social and political landscape of human rights work.
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